Getting up to speed: The importance of good knowledge-sharing processes for MGAs


Written by Gia Tammone, Marketing Communications Coordinator 

As an MGA, you are the expert in your niche. Your customers look to you for your knowledge—and for good reason! 

But being an authority in your field doesn’t mean you’re all-knowing, all the time. You still have to research and confirm rules, guidelines, and other information to make sure you’re providing the correct (and compliant!) facts to your partners and customers. Plus, with how complicated niche lines can be, even your most experienced employees can’t remember everything. 

And what about speed? You’ve got in-depth knowledge, but you’ve also got to be fast. Speed to market is crucial to getting the business you want. Unfortunately, speed isn’t always associated with the traditional information-gathering process. Whether your internal forms and resources aren’t well organized, or your employees need to consult a third-party source, it’s time spent that you often can’t afford. 

So, is your internal publishing and knowledge-sharing process hindering or helping your staff? The right technology solution can make it easy to get your employees the resources they need to provide expert service and make you a truly dynamic partner. Try our quiz to see if your current process is helping your employees or holding them back.

Getting up to speed: The importance of good knowledge-sharing processes for MGAs