Managing producer compliance and credentialing is inherently complicated—that’s why we’re working to make it easier. In this blog series, a team of Vertafore regulatory experts explore topics in compliance and the impact on insurers. Read more about the ways e-PAL can help Sircon customers accomplish even more.
What is e-PAL?
The leading reference tool in the industry, e-PAL (Electronic Producer All-lines Licensing service) is an all-in-one resource that provides answers to every regulatory and compliance question that carriers could encounter. With useful features for all Sircon customers, e-PAL serves as a detailed how-to guide for everything—everything you and your agency partners and producers might need to know about how to get a license, how to keep it, or how to terminate it.
For example, e-PAL gives you answers to questions including:
- When do I file the appointment?
- When does the license renew?
- What are the CE requirements to renew the license?
- Who needs to know that my address has changed?
Additionally, e-PAL offers instant access to up-to-date forms and exam requirements for all 50 states and D.C., with contact details for topics arising in Canada or U.S. territories. A team of regulatory experts ensures the guidance provided by e-PAL keeps pace with the constant changes in regulatory requirements, no matter the jurisdiction.
How does e-PAL increase efficiency?
Within e-PAL, QuickGuides deliver helpful information for common scenarios. Examples include:
- Address Change Requirements
- Continuing Education Requirements
- License Renewal and Reinstatement
- Individual/Entity License and Appointment Fees
Furthermore, e-PAL’s centralized information structure means that it’s simple to zoom in on a particular topic and quickly navigate from state to state for more specific information. With the added utility of fillable forms, it’s possible to submit forms for multiple jurisdictions without exiting the application. You can drill down into to license type or specific lines with ease.
No other solution offers the depth and breadth of e-PAL’s knowledgebase.
What support services are included with e-PAL?
Should you encounter an issue that isn’t specifically included in a QuickGuide, additional guidance is available from the dedicated e-PAL staff. All calls to the e-PAL voicemail hotline receive a response from our team of experts.
For extensive issues that can’t be addressed in a 1:1 follow-up call, additional services for special research projects are available as well.
What information is included in the weekly e-PAL Bulletin newsletter?
To keep Sircon customers better informed of ongoing regulatory changes, each week the e-PAL Bulletin newsletter includes the latest news that impacts the industry. This information is compiled from a range of sources and is delivered exclusively to e-PAL users in advance of any other distribution lists.
In short, e-PAL is more than just a handbook. It’s a vital reference product available to Sircon customers that includes weekly information updates, direct access to our expert staff, and fast navigation to state departments of insurance, producer lookups, state statutes, and rules and regulation pages.
To learn more about e-PAL, contact your Vertafore account manager.
Girtha Perkins
Senior Regulatory Compliance Analyst
Girtha's work with Vertafore began in 1997 (at a company then known as Pictorial), in the outsourcing division as a licensing administrator. She was the first administrator cross-trained for all software services. She has held an agent’s license in Indiana and Michigan, yet her deep knowledge of insurance licensing extends to all 50 states. Read more.